What is Anarchism?
Anarchism is an alternative to the existing system. The failure of politicians in "Political buy-sell" to convince a counter culture to the idea that we all would be far better to live without government ini.Semua vampires are not unwanted and unnecessary, not an ad service that can be provided government that can not be provided by a self-supporting community. We do not need telling-ordered to do something or be told how live our lives less burdened by taxes, rules, regulations and demand for our work.
When it comes to choosing between political ideology, Punk tend Anarchist. This calls not override the fact that there have punk who did not read history and continue to promote other forms of capitalism or communism walk this earth. However, it can be said almost all punk believe with anarchist principles, for absolutely no use official government or regulator and appreciate the freedom and responsibility individu.Pada early development, the so-called civilization fighting a handful of people who realize if they can live with ease and become rich by making others work for them. These people are using deceptive even menginstitusi violence to themselves as chair, saints, kings or pastor. By using threats and superstition, they make other people obedient, where people are always the subject of people who find a way and then became the new rulers in the name Reforms that will never produce anything because the changes remain
defend the government.
Punk has turned to anarchism as an alternative for the system world that exists now, to get involved to find suitable alternative cycle continuity of oppression that occurred in every revolution so far. We organize fundraising and free performances, the teachings of various work related to the people who need. We oppose Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Militarism, Violence, economic inequity and the sensor. Usually the Anarchist Punk quite satisfied with the circle of their own friends and reject Anarchism spread by will define a larger scale. This attitude can interpreted as a conception that he is the anarchist but not accept the fact that another party can set themselves their own. This idea is a reflection of bourgeois culture, a belief that "I am OK and that other people screw up "is not anarchism. This is what often contained in the writings of Anarchist Punk.
Anarchism is not chaos
Anarchy in person is the subject of static that would claim Governments and other forms of law enforcement is needed to prevent murder and theft, not an example of a force. The Anarchist
believe that the use of force to control others is violation of human dignity. "If I find myself in a position where strength and threatened me directly violate the rights and dignity I, then I would prevent it by doing all the things I can, in this case the action that uses pure reason and mind, not against him with physical force. " Acknowledging the presence of much violence in our lives and say it as a wrong thing does not seem to stop others to do so. The idea that violence is the only one that produces something is a very dangerous argument, Arguments like "probably would make better" is strongly opposed Anarchists. Fights with law enforcement often results from prohibition of events or performances. Anarcho Punk never involved in violence or murder under the guise of political revolution, which certainly the people-oriented Anarchy absolutely no violence, no matter what the media says. Money to replace a window or a new glass, but how banyakpun still can not replace human lives which floated in warfare by the government. Destruction of property can not only seen as a political statement, because a lot of Punk at once adopted it as a way to have fun. Punk adopt ways commonly used EARTH FIRST! namely DIRECT ACTION, penyabotan and destruction system is a major part of the Punk movement and yet their actions rarely involves physical confrontation or bloodshed, except when Skinhead or involve law enforcement.
Anarchism and Communism
Unlike cons Other bourgeois culture, punk rejected Communism and all its left-wing tradition - Government - democracy - of capitalism. Reforms that made a big party Punk is not considered sufficient because very, very static. Reormasi only FUN rather than freeing the people involved. Although Thus, like communism, Punk engaging in various movement movement supporting the rights of women, working class and society are equally hated capitalist.
Communist groups will never fight for liberation mass, because it will only make them in an effort hampered to hold power. When they get the road towards the power, then they will adopt the oppressive nature as well as State authorities before they. Communist regimes did not differ substantially regimes that they tumbangkan, at least in one object int Ruler / TIMER. While Anarchists believe the revolution is not a simple replacement of one regulator to another regulator, because Anarchist means without the regulators / authorities.
"We live in times where the revolution is only meaningful engineering results Professional grade one organization to overthrow the communist planing capitalist system and try to replace it with the same rotten system, if not more oppressive than the current one. In this sense revolution just become a vicious circle: one of rebellion without orientation only will strengthen the position of the new ruling class that will replace the position old ruler. Communism has no interest in going to release themselves from mental power that can not be separated in every facet of our lives now this. To errase power itself, it is the ideal of the anarchist, and since it is also the same Communism is not desired by the anarchist as Capitalism.
Anarchism and Capitalism
The nature includes government oppression and exploitation for all the people therein. Thing that make capitalism and the problems created a major target of the anarchist punk. Lack of housin create Wisma Tuna, klasikisme which causes thinking and narrow exploitation of the workin places is the result of a system built on the basis of greed. While there is no need to doubt if it turns the system capitalism also makes some people can feel luxuries of life, which is the result of exploitation of those who do not have that luxury. Ancient beliefs will become rich through hard work and honesty are The most stupid myth ever dicekokkan into our heads, because if it really happened then I was very, very rich today. In a Capitalist society, the definition of success is defined in terms of luxury and commodities, where by using this definition of middle class already
more than enough to resist radical change, with middle-class status they would be terrified to be poor. The tendency, is that they which was materially poor feel MUST work hard to meet middle-class luxury lifestyle. The fact that people prefer loot stereo equipment and TVs than food in cases of looting, indicate they have been convinced that a better life means more many have the luxury goods, not food. No doubt luxury and money at this time makes life much easier, but to assess a success and failure in this term has a very harmful.
CAPITALISM related to the theoretical that assumes each
man tries to MAXIMIZE PROFITS individual, as an example turn all things into commodities that can be sold and purchased. This This is most evident in the destruction of the environment destroyed we are living today. When the economy only calculate the values of environmental productswithout menggubris lose-lose what resulted. This is an omen of disaster to ensure the next human generation (Including the inside of animals and plants). In the most extreme cases: where thoughts mancapai peak, when humans fight each other, and it is a commodity for other men, make a killing already lose their meaning.